What is PTA?

What is the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)?
PTAs exist in many schools throughout the United States. The PTA is the oldest and largest child advocacy organization in the US and its influence spans from the local to the national level. Its mission is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.


Why should you join the PTA?
There are a number of reasons to become a member of your local PTA.

  • Get Involved - It is a great way to meet other parents and find out what is going on in the school.
  • Help fund activities - Our Skaggs PTA funds are used in many ways to benefit the students, staff and parents. (See What does the PTA do at Skaggs? below for more detailed information.)
  • Support your child - Studies have shown that membership in PTA provides your child with a greater chance of being successful in school. As a PTA member, you are also more likely to be an informed and involved parent.
  • Support your community - If we all work together we can accomplish a lot. Skaggs has a very diverse community and everyone benefits when we work together for the betterment of our children.

Where does my money go?
A small portion of your membership registration fee pays for State and National dues, the rest supports your student and the Skaggs community.


Texas PTA Membership Benefits
In addition to the membership benefits you get from your local Skaggs PTA, your Texas PTA membership provides you with discounts at a number of businesses statewide.


If I join, do I have to…

  • Volunteer? - No. Joining the PTA is not the same as volunteering. We have numerous activities planned during the school year and need plenty of volunteers to make it all happen but volunteering is not required.
  • Go to meetings? - No. We have four general meetings year and you are welcome to attend but, it is not required.
  • Spend a lot of time at the school? - No. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities available with the PTA. We have things that can be done at home, opportunities for working parents, activities that require a lot of hours and others that require minimal amounts of time. Simply let us know what you are interested in doing and how much time you have available to volunteer and we will help you find the right “job” for you.
  • What should I do now? - Feel free to ask questions.

Why Join the PTA?

Successful students make successful schools— which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!

Donate to Skaggs PTA

Your gift will help strengthen family and community engagement at our school. You can be a powerful voice for all children and an advocate for public education by supporting your PTA. 

Make a Donation!


Let us know if you would like to be a Sponsor. Contact us at SkaggsElemPTA@gmail.com
